New Player
Starting Football in JäPS
How can you try football in our teams?
- You can try out the hobby in our age group teams for two weeks.
- To participate training, please contact the age group primary contact. You can find the contact information from teams' own websites HERE
- Team websites are in Finnish. Age group primary contact is usually IKÄLUOKKAVASTAAVA or VALMENNUSPÄÄLLIKKÖ. Contact information is under YHTEYSTIEDOT.
Where can you enroll to a team?
- After deciding to start the hobby, please let the age group primary contact know.
- You can fill in the player information card on myClub HERE
- Your information will be saved to our membership register myClub. Team events such as practises, games and tournaments will be visible on myClub after the new player is added to the team by Club office. If you are having trouble enrolling in myClub, please contact the Head of Administration Marjo Hellberg (contact information)
- You will get the first message from Club office in a few days after enrolling.
- Age group primary contact can give you information about all things considering the hobby.
Why can you not see team practises in myClub after enrolling?
- Player information cards are processed by the Club office and nwe players are added to the correct teams within a few days from enrolling. Team events can be found on myClub after that.
Which fees make up the cost of the hobby?
- Member fee and Club fee (once a year)
- Member and Club fees are used to cover i.a. administrative expences, education and training conditions
- In the season 2023-2024 Member fee is 50 € and Club fee is 150 €
- Age group Operating fee (monthly or in installments)
- Age group fees are used to cover i.a. pitch and coaching expences
- Lisence (once a year)
- 19-year-olds and younger are also required to have an insurance.
How do Our Age Groups and Teams Work?
Age groups, teams and training groups
- Age groups (or teams) are made of girls or boys born in the same year, for example boys born in 2018 are in age group P2018.
- Training groups are age groups' operational units.
- You can find all age group websites (in Finnish) HERE
Lisence and Insurance
- All 19-year-olds and younger are required to have an insurance that covers football and competitions.
- To find out whether you need to buy the Lisence yourself (most of the age groups) or if the Club buys the Hobby lisence for you (the youngest age groups), contact the age group primary contact.
- You can buy the Lisence in Pelipaikka (Football Association of Finland's membership register), instructions in Finnish HERE
- You can buy the insurance with the Lisence or from an independent provider. Please ask the primary contact for more information.
Player Transfers from Other Clubs
- If the player has played football in another club before JäPS, they have to be transferred to the club.
- Please contact Head of Administration Marjo Hellberg (contact information) for further information.
Playing Football Outside of Our Teams
Children under 6 years old
- PERHEFUTIS (family football) for 2-4-year-olds
- NAPEROFUTIS (kid football) for 3-5-year olds
- FUTISKOULU (footbal school) in the summer for 5-6-year-olds